Cherish My Health 8-week Program
I absolutely love my work as an accredited Clinical Nutritionist and the results my clients achieve. I have seen over and over again how these great health results can be achieved by everyone.
This is why I would like to invite you to work with me in an 8-week Cherish My Health Program! Together we will:
- identify which foods are supporting your metabolism to keep your blood sugar levels stable
- discuss the keys to hormone health, weight management and quality sleep
- look at any driving health concerns, such as gut health, digestion, known auto-immune conditions or weakened body systems function
- create a personalised 8-week plan tailored to your needs
- incorporate 8 essential habits you need for increased cellular energy, weight loss and optimal health and longevity
- PDFs, checklists, food diaries and meal plans with plenty of recipes targeted to address your health concerns included
This program features 4 one-on-one appointments with me, either in person or by live video/zoom so that you can stay in the comfort of your own home if you wish. As well this program includes 8 weekly check-in emails to keep you accountable and always on track.
All the good stuff to look after you!
And importantly, this program is practical, achievable and gets results!
The Cherish My Health Program is offered at the affordable price of $597 total.
Yes this program will cost you under $75 dollars a week!
To keep this affordable for everyone, this can be paid either as a lump sum before your first appointment or as 4 fortnightly payments of $155. Easy peasy.
To book now, simply add this to your shopping cart and once finalized I will be in touch within 24 hours to set up your first appointment so that we can get your health back on track ASAP! If you like, we can arrange a chat first for 15 minutes over the phone to discuss how this is a match for you. Please remember with me that no question is too small or silly to ask. Look forward to working with you!
Please note, any supplements that may be recommended during this program would incur additional costs, and would be entirely at your discretion. Once purchased, the program must be completed within 9 months of the purchase date.
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