Chai Comfort Cups Here in these parts the mornings have begun to be a little brisk, the nights noticeably colder, and officially the time of the year has arrived to reach for all things warm and cozy. Along with the boots, jackets, cashmere and wool being pulled out from the back of cupboards, it’s also a great time of year …
Easy, Cozy Pumpkin Soup
As the weather temp drops just a couple of degrees, are you ready to bring a deliciously easy soup into your home? If you’re anything like me, any time is a good time for a cozy, Easy Pumpkin Soup. I could honestly chow on this 24/7! Is it the golden colour that makes this soup such a nice match in …
Golden-Roasted Cauliflower Salad with Walnuts, Parsley and Capers
Finally cauliflower is hip, and deservedly so. Not only is it a powerhouse of nutrition but your taste buds will love it too … yep, no kidding! The humble cauli is gaining popularity as a ‘real food’ alternative to commonly used foods such as rice, pizza bases and more and it also makes a de-lush-ous salad ingredient. Infact cauli is …
Chorizo and Rosemary Frittata
Back in the day, I lived and worked in Italy for months at a time over several years, in a medieval fortress city called Spoleto. It is an extraordinary place which ticks all the tourist boxes with Roman amphitheatres and relics, an aqueduct kilometres long, a stunning Duomo and castle, and an international music event Festival dei Due Mondi (Festival …
One Pot Paleo Lemon Chicken
One can’t help but love a one-pot chicken dish that always receives rave reviews from the family, has been cooked so frequently you’ve lost count of the times it has been made, and packs a nutritional punch above its weight! Every cook needs a few great quick-and-easy recipes, wouldn’t you agree? And this paleo lemon chicken dish, with its fragrant tang of citrus and sweetly …